zaterdag 12 januari 2013

My ex

My ex, my former best friend is getting a divorce
the girl, with whom I exchange emails and chat
the girl, with whom I electronically date
but also the girl, who I see only one time a year
despite our constant chirping on social media

Am I a bad person when I'm happy
if I hope to see her more again
that I can comfort her and can laugh again
to pick up where we once left it

Jealousy is a strange vermin
it crawls up your spine like an ant

clearly to be felt, impossible to ignore
as a thundercloud which wipes out your rationality


Often I hoped that her relation would falter
due to irreconcilable differences
culture shock to the limit
now that it has happened, I feel vaguely guilty
What is an acceptable period to ask her out
to make her laugh
I wait, clearly, without despairing
but not too long, otherwise she's snatched away

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