vrijdag 25 januari 2013

Limerick for Valentine


Pretty soon your pleasure will double
in 9 months from 3 to 4, angel
sheer joy for mama
with help from papa
but no more tasty beer, too baneful

woensdag 23 januari 2013


What a night, what an erotic dream
about Mélanie van den Haak, supreme
Netherlands' finest
Belgium's coyest
in my rare dreams, a recurrent theme

dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Unemployment benefit, form 40

Foreign beauty, alien outer earth
regrettingly, I went home, such mirth
unexpected fun
UB40 auction
raven-hared lank, sloth heaven, Wordsworth

maandag 21 januari 2013


Matil, dull princess goody two-shoes
nags, I almost regorge, floor bedews
misses sanctitude
propaganda crude
but is Phil allowed to cruise her cruse

zaterdag 19 januari 2013


Friday I went out at a friend's home
sat. slept in front of the box as gnome
a perfect weekend
bender wise talent
Thank God for painkillers, percodan!

vrijdag 18 januari 2013

Armstrong, livestrong

An American in hot Texas
acted poorly as a real Judas
epo, growth hormone
cancer cover blown
strands in doping saltwater marshes